It's all c's today isn't it? Yesterday I decided to sign up to the Co-creating our reality 100 day challenge and I will begin my season 1 of the challenge next Monday, 25th February 2013. This is a global community and website where individuals put into daily practice the law of attraction, law of deliberate creation and law of allowing and so on. As I have been one for setting goals at the beginning of each year for some time now, this new challenge is not too far removed from that. I think that the laws of attraction, deliberate creation etc are actually aligned with my walk with God....after all he/she created these laws and they are called many other names too! For example, if I reflect on prayer, I conclude that praying to God is about setting my clear intentions - that is my intention towards God, the Universe, other people and the world around me as well as to myself. When my prayers are answered, then that is an example of how a co-created reality with God becomes manifested. I like the co-creating our reality 100 day challenge because it is very practical and there is already a loving, supportive and global community living this out on a day-to-day basis. I think it will be fun! I heard about it from watching Lilou Mace's Juicy Living Tour as Lilou is one of its co-founders and is living proof that it works! I'll let you know how I get on.
Moving on to the second 'c' for Crypt, I walked from my home in Battersea all the way along the Thames path in the glorious early spring sunshine and up the Mall to Trafalgar Square. Having worked up an appetite for lunch I went down to the Cafe in the Crypt at St. Martin in the Fields in Trafalgar Square for a tasty soup and pud washed down with a scalding hot pot of English breakfast tea.
After that uplifting experience I strolled up the Strand to the Courthauld Gallery at Somerset House, to take advantage of the cut price tickets available on Mondays and I soon immersed myself in the wonders of Renaissance and Impressionist painters and sculptors as well as catching the Becoming Picasso exhibition, well worth a visit! What a fabulous day, I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Music has been so much a part of my life but in recent years I have put it aside while running around in the field doing aid work, so today, after lunch, I decided to enjoy one of St. Martin's free lunchtime concerts. Trio Aquilon gave a magnificent performance of Timothy Salter's 'Shadows I and II" and Ravel's Piano Trio in A minor. The church was packed to capacity.

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