
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Eternal Father, Strong to Save

Yesterday mum and I met with the minister who will lead the funeral service on Tuesday. It is very hard to try to sum up a life of 83 years and pick out the thoughts and words which would be most appropriate and worthy to celebrate my dad's life with thanksgiving.

We've picked 3 hymns, a couple of readings and a poem and the minister will say a tribute. One of the hymns is Eternal Father, Strong to Save which meant a lot to dad when he was in the Royal Navy during the World War II.

Here are the words:

Eternal Father, strong to save
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm doth bind the restless wave,
Who bidd’st the mighty ocean deep,
It’s own appointed limits keep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.

O Saviour, whose almighty word
The winds and waves submissive heard,
Who walkedst on the foaming deep
And calm amid its rage didst sleep:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.

O sacred Spirit, who didst brood
Upon the waters dark and rude,
And bid their angry tumult cease,
And give, for wild confusion, peace:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.

O Trinity of love and power,
Our brethren shield in danger’s hour.
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them whereso’er they go,
And ever let there rise to thee
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.

W. Whiting (1825-78)

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